Dead or alive 5 nude

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She also has a wakizashi secured behind the suit. (Originally her first costume from the arcade version of Dead or Alive.)Ĭostume 3 - Full bodysuit with blue ribbon and scabbards which carry kunai, a halterneck bra, gloves with a cherry blossom logo, a pair of arm-guards, leather boots with shinguards, and a choker.

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Hold either left or right on the directional pad for glasses.Ĭostume 2 - White-and-red tunic with cherry blossom petals on the skirt and a sash that holds her wakizashi, thigh-high tabi, sandals with shinguards, a pair of gloves, hand guards with metal wristbands, and a choker. or / to change the color of her hair ribbon to dark blue. (Originally her second costume from the arcade version of the first Dead or Alive.) Costume 1 - Blue-and-white, puff sleeve tunic with swans on the skirt and a sash that holds her wakizashi, thigh-high tabi, sandals with shinguards, hand guards with metal wristbands, and a choker.